Chocolate Cake for Breakfast

Friday, October 06, 2006

Tech support needs some tech support

My phone rang this morning. First I noticed it was an Abilene number. Then I noticed it was coming from an on-campus phone line. I answered. An awkward sounding student "Hello, this is [insert name I forgot] with Team 55." He knew my name and asked if that's who was speaking. Then, he asked if I recently put in a request for help because I was having trouble connecting to FastWeb, or something like that. Now, I don't even know for sure what FastWeb is. I can only assume it has something to do with the campus network. I wanted to say, "Why, yes. Come to think of it, I have been having a lot of trouble connecting to the campus network ever since I graduated and moved to Corpus Christi. Y'all really need to expand the campus network so I can connect seven hours away." But I didn't. I was nice, said I had graduated and it wasn't me who made the request. He said it must've been someone else with my name. Yea, I guess so.


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