Chocolate Cake for Breakfast

Monday, March 14, 2005

Starring Richard Dean Anderson ...

Yes my friends, I am back after something like a three-week hiatus. It was really no surprise to me, however. After Sing Song and Lectureship were over, I basically shut down for a few weeks.

Spring break last week was no exception. I honestly can't think of one productive thing I did all week long. I spent the week at home in Tyler, but I didn't go with any delusions that I was actually going to work, so at least I didn't disappoint myself. I decided the theme for the week was reliving different portions of my childhood. On the drive home, I set the tone for the rest of the week by reliving some of my middle school days by listening to all the old school Christian band music I could find in my CD collection. We're talking Jesus Freak DC Talk, Flood Jars of Clay, Big House Audio Adrenaline and Shine Newsboys. I didn't go so retro as to break out any Acapella or AVB, but those days are coming, my friends.

Upon arriving home, I discovered that my father had purchased the entire first season of MacGyver on DVD. I can't think of a better spent $30. This was before Richard Dean Anderson even had anything resembling a mullet.


Pretty much the rest of the week when I wasn't sleeping or working at the church was filled in with one of the 20 episodes I watched. I think my personal favorite had to be the episode the army of millions and millions threatens a cocoa plantation until MacGyver shows up and floods the irrigation trenches, builds a flamethrower and finally breaks the dam flooding the plantation. Classic TV from the mid 80s. I've got two more episodes to watch--the last two of the season--so I'm sure there will be many of you that will want to get in on that action next time I'm home. Season 2 will be out soon enough, then the others, assuming they sell well enough. All I can say is they'd better to make it to season 7 or one of the later ones when in one episode MacGyver gets hit on the head and is knocked unconscious only to dream up this whole two-episode scenario in medieval times. Fantastic.

Word to the wise, unwise, technological or untechnological alike: Don't purchase electronic equipment that is so new that repair center A) don't know anything about it, and B) don't carry supporting accessories. Otherwise you'll end up spending $750+ on computer equipment for what you thought would be $400 tops. Now granted, some of those dollars have been refunded, and I haven't actually spent that much, but this computer seems to be a black hole that will never actually work. But, if anyone happens to have power supply with a 24-pin power connector for the motherboard, let me know.

And now, I'm back at the apartment, sitting here on our living room chair with my laptop and wireless Internet watching whatever is on TV. Yep, you'll find me here a lot over the next eight weeks.