Chocolate Cake for Breakfast

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have a blender. Actually, I have two blenders -- a regular-sized one and a hand-held one. It's admissions like this that really make you think you are well equipped to handle life on your own. After all, what ill-equipped, unprepared person has a blender they regularly use, much less two. And then days like yesterday come around to keep you guessing on the whole being-well-equipped-for-life-on-your-own thing.

I had my blender out and ready to use, like I do many mornings. The bottom O-ring was screwed on to the glass jar of the blender, and i was set on the base ready to go. So I poured in the yogurt and then went for the juice carton. As I was about to pour the juice in, I noted that the yogurt level was a little low and I was certain I had put more in there, but I proceeded to pour the juice anyway. But instead of filling the glass jar, it disappeared through the bottom of the jar and immediately coated my kitchen counter. Yes, because despite the fact that I had made sure to screw the O-ring on the bottom of the jar nice and tight, that doesn't do a whole freakin' lot of good if you neglect to also attach the blade piece that also holds everything in the jar. So instead of having the beginnings of a fruit smoothie in my beloved blender, I had a sticky counter and blender motor parts now covered in goo.

On the plus side, I did get to take the blender apart (because what isn't fun about taking apart electric and mechanical items?) so that I could clean the innards of the blender as well as I could. It spent the better part of yesterday in pieces while its parts dried out. I think it's about as good as it's going to get.

And now, I will attempt something that might never have been attempted before in the history of blogging. I will put the blender back together and see if it still works. Everyone hold your breath ...


So I still have two working blenders. But I'll hold off on proclaiming my life all together until I can handle correctly and consistently assembling a simple blender for use. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some blending to do.