Only five months after you stopped checking ...
One week short of six months without an update. Impressive, even by my standards of updating futility. In commemoration of this rechristening of the blog, I thought it'd be interesting to see how long it takes for someone to actually check here and see if something new is posted. So, as soon as you see this, leave some sort of comment. A fabulous prize could be awaiting you. Although if you have something like RSS updates that alert you when something new on a blog has been posted, you'll have to be disqualified because that just doesn't really tell me anything about your blog-checking dedication.
I guess the biggest news to bring to you all now is that there is a new living thing about to take residence in my room of my apartment.
Yes, I'm going to have a bonsai tree. Or at least one that looks something like that after a while. Get back to me on that in five years or so. As we speak, I have a pine seed stratifying in the refrigerator to simulate the winter season, and supposedly in a week or so it'll be ready to plant. It might be destined for failure, but what child born in the '80s who saw The Karate Kid hasn't wanted their own bonsai tree at some point in life. If I had made one of those "50 Things I Want to Do Before I Die" lists, this undoubtedly would have been on there.
And not to be outdone by my true blogging enthusiast friends out there, I had to include the results from this quiz I took. Strange combination of percentages and labels, but at least no one can accuse me of waffling in the middle on most of these categories.
I guess the biggest news to bring to you all now is that there is a new living thing about to take residence in my room of my apartment.
Yes, I'm going to have a bonsai tree. Or at least one that looks something like that after a while. Get back to me on that in five years or so. As we speak, I have a pine seed stratifying in the refrigerator to simulate the winter season, and supposedly in a week or so it'll be ready to plant. It might be destined for failure, but what child born in the '80s who saw The Karate Kid hasn't wanted their own bonsai tree at some point in life. If I had made one of those "50 Things I Want to Do Before I Die" lists, this undoubtedly would have been on there.
And not to be outdone by my true blogging enthusiast friends out there, I had to include the results from this quiz I took. Strange combination of percentages and labels, but at least no one can accuse me of waffling in the middle on most of these categories.
You scored as Republican. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In? created with |