And the winner is ...
Congratulations to Lori Bredemeyer for officially winning the "First to write a comment on one of my new posts" contest. Lori posted approximately 2.5 days after my first initial post. Unfortunately, because of the blogspot spam going around these past few months, my account settings were changed so I had to approve any new comments — only I was never notified of having received new comments. So a couple commenters had claimed victory by the time I figured out how to approve comments, but Lori beat out the anonymous poster by several days. Now, some people might call it creepy for someone to regularly checking a blog that was left unchanged for almost six months. I am certainly not one of these people, so Lori wins her very own copy of the legendary Homecoming 2005 issue of the Optimist. All prizes can be claimed by the winner at the Optimist office, Room 308 of the Don Morris Center. Thanks for playing.