What a long, strange journey it's been
Today marks two milestones for this blog. First, today marks the end of the 21-straight-days-of-blogging-regardless-of-what's-going-on experiment. What a journey it's been. Before the experiment began, blogging had become a chore. I'd sit around thinking about what I wanted to write (big surprise) for so long that I either wouldn't ever get around to writing anything or I'd scare myself away from posting in the first place because I didn't want to spend the time to crank out a post. But that was old Blogger Jonathan. Old Blogger Jonathan wanted each post to be perfect. New Blogger Jonathan simply doesn't care about that. He knows that even if one post wasn't great, as long as he is consistently posting new thoughts, a poor or undeveloped post will eventually be buried among new ones. Enough with the third-person omniscient, but you get the picture. Which brings me to my second milestone ...
After almost 2 and a half years of blogging, I have finally reached 50 posts. Shameful, I know. And almost half of those posts have come during the 21-days experiment. But at least I'm well on my way to pulling my average up to two posts a month. Even in that small sample, I've noticed the nature of the posts changing through the years. Sometimes the posts were sporadic but lengthy life updates, such as when I was away on a summer job. Sometimes they were about random things that happened in my life. Sometimes they simply were me trying to be witty. Never really any rhyme or reason to what kind of post it would be. But lately (during the 21-day experiment at least), the blog has more or less morphed into a typical journal where I simply write short blurbs about what's going on that day. Might be about work. Might be about a new hobby. Might be about an upcoming event. Might even throw in the occasional deep though. There never used to be any good reason to keep a running chronicle of my life on this thing because most of its readers were already around me for several hours (or more) each day. But now that I've been off on my own, this seems to make the most sense. And I think I'm happy with where the blog has arrived for now. And because I continue to get comments from different people on most days' posts, I'll assume the readers mostly are satisfied. So I'll keep 'em coming if you'll keep on coming back. I'm not guaranteeing they'll keep coming every day now that my experiment is up, but that's what I'll shoot for.
And it wouldn't be a milestone post, if I didn't give thank my faithful, or even unfaithful, readers. There really wouldn't be a point to all this without you. All seven of you.
After almost 2 and a half years of blogging, I have finally reached 50 posts. Shameful, I know. And almost half of those posts have come during the 21-days experiment. But at least I'm well on my way to pulling my average up to two posts a month. Even in that small sample, I've noticed the nature of the posts changing through the years. Sometimes the posts were sporadic but lengthy life updates, such as when I was away on a summer job. Sometimes they were about random things that happened in my life. Sometimes they simply were me trying to be witty. Never really any rhyme or reason to what kind of post it would be. But lately (during the 21-day experiment at least), the blog has more or less morphed into a typical journal where I simply write short blurbs about what's going on that day. Might be about work. Might be about a new hobby. Might be about an upcoming event. Might even throw in the occasional deep though. There never used to be any good reason to keep a running chronicle of my life on this thing because most of its readers were already around me for several hours (or more) each day. But now that I've been off on my own, this seems to make the most sense. And I think I'm happy with where the blog has arrived for now. And because I continue to get comments from different people on most days' posts, I'll assume the readers mostly are satisfied. So I'll keep 'em coming if you'll keep on coming back. I'm not guaranteeing they'll keep coming every day now that my experiment is up, but that's what I'll shoot for.
And it wouldn't be a milestone post, if I didn't give thank my faithful, or even unfaithful, readers. There really wouldn't be a point to all this without you. All seven of you.
I won't lie, I'm proud that you've been posting. It gives me something to read each day. However, I am kind of ashamed that you're terrified of the blogging. I have random friend's grandparents reading my blog... and I don't care. The other kind of sad thing to me is that I think I'm at like 150 something posts... Now I'm no good at math, but I think that's more than you..
Becca Vennie, at 11:07 AM, May 23, 2007
I think I made it very clear with all the third-person omniscient that it was Old Blogger Jonathan that psyched himself out about posting. And if you want to make this a competition, then watch out because I've gained something like 15 posts on you in the past month. But New Blogger Jonathan is above such displays. He'll just keep doing his own thing.
Jonathan, at 11:39 AM, May 23, 2007
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